Youtube has created many Chiropractic stars, who film themselves adjusting people, sometimes with highly questionable technique. But hey, they’re getting the likes and clicks they want, and the public can’t tell the difference between quality technique and poorly delivered, rough manipulations (unless you’ve deeply studied spinal biomechanics).
Well if you haven’t guessed, we’re not big fans of these videos around here. Chiropractic is often misunderstood, and if you only watch youtube, you might think Chiropractic resembles massage, physiotherapy or perhaps a form of torture from the middle ages. It’s none of those things! The Y-strap is not for everyone, there are conditions where it’s use would be very irresponsible.
Our art, science and philosophy of Chiropractic takes years, and thousands of hours of study and practice to become competent in, just competent, and many more years to master. Even still, results are different for everyone, because everyone is different. Remember, TV is not real life! Take what you see on Youtube with a grain of salt and at least a spoonful of skepticism.