We love to see “miracles”, they happen regularly in Chiropractic. It’s not about how quickly people feel better, but rather how much their lives can change for the better. But is it realistic to expect miracles? Can we be disappointed if we don’t get a miracle?
Rarely, we see people who we cannot help very much. When medical problems are so advanced, when spinal degeneration is so severe, it seems only a miracle from above could do any good. We sometimes see people who’s entire spine has fused together, into a solid pillar of bone.
If we can move you, if we can move the spine, we probably can help. However, if nothing can move you, well maybe then we cannot help. We all have complicated lives with more stress than we admit, stress that hits us in random ways and builds up over the years. If you have thirty years of accumulated stress, do you expect us to “fix” you in thirty days? It’s unlikely. We need realistic expectations. If you want to loose twenty kilos, would you expect to do that in twenty days? Would you expect someone else to do all the work for you?
Chiropractic isn’t designed to “fix” you. Chiropractic doesn’t believe you are broken in the first place! But we could all use a little improvement 😉 so Chiropractic is designed to help us move better, function better and live healthier. It’s not magic. It takes time and repetition, so before you start, ask yourself, do I want to do the work, or do I just want a miracle?