Sowa Rigpa (Tibetan Medicine) is a holistic system of Health and balance formed during the 8’th-12’th centuries in Tibet, incorporating elements of the indigenous Bon tradition,Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, and Greek medical traditions combined with a foundation in Buddhist psychology. According to Sowa Rigpa, we are all unwell mentally because we are all, to varying degrees, controlled by the “ 3 poisons” of attachment, aggression and ignorance, pushed and pulled by cravings and aversions. This is made worse by our modern, fast-paced lifestyles, which tend to make us physically sedentary, and mentally over-active.
Sowa Rigpa has a system of diagnosis and treatment for modern mental health problems. Some of these solutions include Tibetan herbal remedies, physical yogas, meditation practices, and a variety of external therapies.
Dr Max Studied Sowa Rigpa first at the Shangshung Institute in Massachusetts USA, and more recently completed his Sowa Rigpa Counseling program with the Sowa Rigpa Institute under the guidance of Dr. Nida Chenagtsang and Dr. Carolyn Van Damme. His focus in practice is utilizing Sowa Rigpa diagnostics and treatment methods for the promotion of mental health and as an adjunct or co-treatment for various conditions including anxiety, depression, trauma and burnout. This process is entirely individualized and different from one person to the next, however always starting with a Sowa Rigpa evaluation, followed by personalized recommendations.
Patients can expect recommendations to be tailored to their individual capacities and interests, so as to be practical and “doable”, effective in the real world.